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You can buy trading cards to get opponents. Then you use the card and now you can battle an opponent.

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Q: How do you find opponent in marapets?
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Where can you find Marapets passwords?

Marapets has no passwords required, unlike Neopets.

How do you get opponents on marapets?

You buy trading cards and you click use item and put it in your battle deck and then you now have an opponent!

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Go to the "Explore Map" in Marapets and randomly point at places in the map. Eventually, you will find "City of Marada". :]

Where is a good site to find good layouts for marapets?

mail me mcrea to get a layout

Is marapets for girls?

Not at all! Like myself, I play marapets on a constant ratio and many other males play this game as well. Marapets was created for both genders to have fun with pets and not worry about paying anything like in Neopets. Consider Marapets as the mirror to neopets, except simpler, and a much nicer community with moderators online. Marapets was designed so that it had aspects for both GUYS and GIRLS. That is why you can find a clothing shop for both genders on Minipet Island. Marapets Username: Callacose (Male)

How do you get to MArapets?

You go to the the marapets website. It's a fun virtual pet world. Its a free sign up, to get there go to the marapets website.

Where to find avatars on marapets?

A helpful website to find some of the Marapet avatars is or you could search 'Marapets avatar guide/help' in a search engine.

Did Neopets copy marapets?

No. It is not possible for Neopets to have copied Marapets as Neopets was around first. Neopets came into existence in 1997, Marapets came around in 2004.

How To Get Rich On Marapets?

MaraPets is a free virtual pet site where you can dress up dolls. TO get rich on MaraPets, you must go questing often.

Where can you find Marapets help?

If you need help playing in Marapets you can find help in the following web sites:

What are some websites similar to Marapets?

Neopets, for sure is a website very close to Marapets.