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You can't fix it Microsoft is fixing it you'll be able to play your game use lovefilm ect when the company fix it ;) I'm 10 by the way and I'm female

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Q: How do you fix Xbox live service alert?
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To correctly fix a wireless xbox 360 controller simply refer to the service and user manual.

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Try calling xbox live to fix it or add gold membership

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You probably will have to call customer service.

Is there any way to fix your Xbox?

It depends on what is broken. Call Microsoft and see if they can help. The number for the service is: 1-800-4MY-XBOX.

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that's what u get for using a super cool xbox

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You can send it to Microsoft who will fix your Xbox 360.

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it means you have the red ring of death which Microsoft can fix if you have a warranty or just youtube how to fix rrod on a xbox

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By disconnected, I am guessing you mean banned forever. The way to fix that is make a new windows live account, wipe your xbox, and make a new xbox live account.