fly mod
To fly in survival mode you need to craft the eye of ender
The only way to fly in Vanilla Minecraft is by using the /gamemode creative, or /gamemode 1, commands. There is no way to fly in survival without external mods. On servers using essentials mod, there is a /fly command the allows a player to fly in survival mode.
If its the Desktop/PC Edition, double tap the space bar, if its the Pocket Edition, double tap the square in the middle of the arrow buttons and if its the Xbox Edition, double press the button that you use to jump. You can only do this on creative mode.
You change your game mode to survival or adventure
First off you must be updated to the latest version of Minecraft Xbox Edition, then you go to your world and under Gamemode change it to creative, then you can double tap A to fly.
Minecraft is a block-based game in which you can build, create, mine and have fun. unless your on survival mode and you dont have a home and its night and hostile mobs (mobile creatures) are spawning in which case your in a bit of trouble. it is also the most popular, well known and down-right EPIC game in the wurld :):):)
either start up a new world or in the settings of the old world change it to creative mode, this is the only legit way to fly in minecraft 360 edition.
this is easy, just like normal minecraft you have to double jump. after this hold jump to rise and to move use the walking controls. to drop (notch hasn't added a drop but still fly key yet) double jump again. after you double jump while flying you'll fall to the ground. have fun!
this is easy, just like normal minecraft you have to double jump. after this hold jump to rise and to move use the walking controls. to drop (notch hasn't added a drop but still fly key yet) double jump again. after you double jump while flying you'll fall to the ground. have fun!
In the Creative mode just double tap [SPACEBAR] then u will be able to fly. In survival you need mods and they come with a config which tells you how to fly