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You Go Online To The Xbox Market Place and Download Resident Evil 4 HD

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Q: How do you get Resident Evil 4 on XBOX 360?
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Where can you get Resident Evil 4 on xbox 360?

Only on the Xbox Live Marketplace...

Did they make Resident Evil 4 for xbox 360?


Is Resident Evil 3 for Xbox 360?

According to a few websites I've visited there is no Resident Evil 4 game on Xbox but there is a Resident Evil 5 on that console.

When is Resident Evil 4 coming out?

Resident Evil 4 was announced by Capcom to be released for the PS3 and Xbox 360 gaming systems on September 20 2011. This means that the game has already been released two months ago.

Is resident evil 2 for playstation 2 players?

It's fake don't buy it! Resident Evil 5 is for the PC PS3 and Xbox 360 only, even though Resident Evil 4 was made for the PS2

What's the best xbox-360 games?

Here are the best Xbox 360 games: 1.Halo 3 2.resident evil 5 3.gears of war 2 of duty world at war of duty 4 modern warfare

How many Resident Evil films were there?

In total there are a total of 5 resident evil films. 1. Resident Evil Genesis. 2. Resident Evil Apocolypse. 3. Resident Evil Extinction. 4. Resident Evil Degeneration (the only animated movie that is actually based on the games). 5. Resident Evil Afterlife (coming soon).

Is there any games similar to Resident Evil 5 that you can get on your Xbox?

Left 4 Dead?

What is a good xbox 360 game to play?

two words... HALO 3 i could reccommend a number of games resident evil 5 gta 4 and transformers only on live

How many parts are there in Resident Evil the movie?

there are 4 movies so far named resident evil, resident evil: Apocalypse, resident evil: extinction, and resident evil: afterlife.

Can you play either resident evil 3 or 4 online?

no you can not, exept on resident evil 4 because on xbox you can stil play online capcom canceled all of the online servers for all of the resident evils for PS2 and GameCube

Do you need a hard drive to play Resident Evil 4 on Xbox 360?

No just enough space for the option files to download, plus it's advised to have some extra to be able to save your game.