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Here is how you get Latias and Latios In Pokemon Sapphire & RubyTo get Latias and latios you have to beat the Elite four and when you are finish beating them up you are going to be in your house and then go down the stairs and watch the T.V. and they will say something about latias/latios what they are saying is that latias/latios is roaming hoen so you have to search the sea and the land to find latias/latios don't worry because they will be only in the olace where normal wild Pokemon appear if you have a sapphire version you need the Eon ticket to get latios or you can just ask your friend that has a latios to trade him to you and if you have a ruby version you need the same thing I mentioned before. happy catching!!!!!!!!Latias does not have a specific place in Hoen.I have a fiew tips on how do get Latias .First, if Latias is in your area use a repel or super repel.Why?Because it will only have an affect on the Pokemon that aren't Latias. Two, you need a Pokemon that that has an ability that won't let a wild Pokemon escape in battle.For example,Wobeffet that is the only one I know of that has that ability.You can also put it to sleep.It can still escape when poisand or paralized.Three.If Latias is not in your area you can always move in between routs till it comes to you area(see step 1,2). Latias only will come around Slateport to Ever Grand City only in that area,and all in between! Good luck. It also has the move Teleport, keep the in mind.

Actually I got latias in sapphire, First you need a Pokemon with block or mean look because it is hard to train wobbuffet.

Concluded n worked:

Most probably near Mawille city.

At route 118, thr's a small indent so make a secret base to go in n out of it, rather than changing routes or buildings, grass is jz outside, way more efficient.

Everytime u go out, check around 10 Pokemon encounters, then change,within an hour i assure u'll get it.

Last time i tried, only took me 1/2 hour, then i threw a master ball at it.You can get latias on sapphire, first you have have to beat champion which you probably already know next you got to go to the television in your house and it would say something about a flying red bird. That would be latias, the most common place it goes are above water and in the route under the bike road. I recommend using a masterball to catch latias because it's the only thing runs from you like crap.after you beat the elite four
First, beat the Elite Four. Then watch tv. Then run around catching all the Pokemon that you skipped the first time. Eventually, you'll bump into Latias/Latios. Once you have seen her/him, you can find it via your PokeDex. You'll need a Pokemon with Arena Trap, Destiny Bond, or something to keep it from running. If possible, weaken it as much as possible w/o killing it. then throw balls like crazy. You'll get it eventually.

To encounter Latias/Latios after seeing it, go to the entrance to Cycling Road near Mauville. Keep going in and out of the door and checking your locator whenever you are outside. When the Pokemon is in your area, run to the grass and battle!

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7y ago
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9y ago

after you beat the elite 4 go in random places and try to find it when you find it try to catch it if it runs it shows the location in your pokedex good luck, Zack lemanski well you weaken it and then throw a pokeball In Pokemon Sapphire, latias becomes wild after you beat the elite 4. Only one exsists, and its place is randomly generated, which makes it a pain to catch.

In Pokemon Emerald, you get a choice of what Lati you want. After you beat the elite 4, you restart in your room. When you walk downstairs your mom will be watching TV. When you talk to her she will ask you what color of Pokemon was on the TV. You are given 2 choices- Red(Latias) and Blue(Latios). Whichever you select is now wild, just as in Sapphire.

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7y ago

just beat the elite four and watch the tv it will ask blue or red it doesnt matter the easyest way is to use trapinch to trap it then use master ball
You have to get a special ticket from an event called the eon ticket. There are 2 ways of getting this ticket, from Nintendo event or cheating your game
well see go to maville and theres grass to the left but if u surf out to the right that's were i cought my first latios and if you get the eon ticket look it up on YouTube


in Slateport go up to route 110 .then go to the patch of grass and you need a acro bike to hop and 5 max repels to the bike go to the nearest house then go back outside into the grass patch and use the max repel then keep on hopping on the on spot for at least 30 seconds and if you don't see latios or latias go back into the house and do it till you see him and try to use a woberfett to keep him from fleeing then use as many ultra balls or timer balls until you catch him. If you want more answers go to super thank for reading.

im pretty sure latios is found randomly in the wild after you beat the elite four.
once u beat the elite 4 just watch TV and pick blue for latios or red for latias then use max repels to search random grass pieces good luck its really hard to get latios latias is easy but latios travels on grass AND WATER so good luck ;)
just go to ur pokedex look on it go 2 area then just surf there i caUGHT MINE LAST night . DO NOT FLY TO THE AREA IT WILL GO AWAY. use a master ball 2
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9y ago

Latias is not one of the Pokemon that you are able to capture in Pokemon Ranger. Unfortunately, the Fiore browser only has little over 200 Pokemon, indicating that a lot of the 386 Pokemon (at the time of the game) were left out. This includes Latias.

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13y ago

After you beat the game if you don't already have latias in your pokedex then go to Mauvale city and walk south then use surf in that pond thingy. there should be a tree on an island with a "trainers tips" sign. any way that's where i found her, and my cousin has ruby and he found latios in the same exact spot as me. im not syaing that youll find her there for sure but i think that's where you' ll find her... btw latias is a girl and latios is a boy but they can't be breed... any way GOOD LUCK!!!!

where are the plase you find latias

i found her on route 118

No problem in finding her you need a Pokemon that knows shadow tag or mean look,Then you keep throwing ultra balls until you catch her

Here are all the legendaries in sapphire...

Registeel Lv.40(No gender)

Regice Lv.40(No gender)

Regirock Lv.40(No gender)

Latias Lv.40(Female)

Kyogre Lv.45(No gender)

Rayquaza Lv.70.(No gender)

Only Latias has a gender and i caught all of them.

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10y ago

Latias is a dual-type Pokémon, it's a dragon and psychic Pokémon. It's also one of the called 'Legendary'. It became available onward the Third Generation. 'Shiny' Pokémon is the name given to all those Pokémon that appear in a color different to the usual coloration the species have. To get a 'shiny' one is entirely a matter of luck, since they appear randomly. To get a shiny Latias in the Emerald version of the game, you will need to frequent the usual spots were it's located, like the Southern Island and the region of Hoenn, and hope that one of those who appear is of the shiny kind.

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15y ago

For me, I was once in Pacifidlog Town. Then I Surfed right and out-of-nowhere, I found a Latias. If you want to know how to find her, try your best to surf on water. If you encounter a Latias, please read below. It's important.

If you didn't know, Latias escapes once you make a move. Don't panic, 'cos she just runs away to another place. Remember though, she might not get tired of running away. Always remember that you should always carry these items: 10-15 Soda Pops, 15-20 Pokéballs, Ultra Balls and Great Balls, and 1 Masterball (optional) while you have this Pokémon in your first slot in the party: Wobbuffet. But, you can catch one in the Safari, or you can go to Lavaridge town and receive an egg from the old woman near the old guy resting in the sand. It could be better to train Wynaut after hatching, 'cos it'll have a high freakin' HP (trust me)! But, be aware-the more you look in your Pokédex, the more Latias will run away. But it's best if for example, Latias is somewhere in route 120 (near Fortree City), try flying at Fortree (25% chance Latias will run!) then search, or fly at Lilycove City, (50% chance Latias will run!) then search. While in battle, use mirror coat at every time Latias attacks. Try your best not to kill it, though. Once Latias' health is low (which is in red), then use all your Pokéballs, Great Balls, Ultra Balls. If you still couldn't catch it, use a Masterball.

There wouldn't be any point if you keep saving your data every time you fly in a new town and search for Latias 'cos she will just run away. Make sure you always heal Wobbuffet every time his/her health is on yellow, or red. Good Luck!

NIO (an anonymous member)

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14y ago

After becoming the champion latias can be found on any route, search on each route in the grass or even the water and you may eventually find it my suggestion is to use the masterball on it however if you don't have it have a wobuffet be sent and use mirror coat to weaken it when its weak enough start throwing ultra balls.

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16y ago

by trading or by playing ruby.

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Can you get a Latias in Pokemon FireRed?

Of course you can get a Latias in Pokemon FireRed. However, Latias is not a naturally found Pokemon in the game - you must trade it from Sapphire version. Of course, you could use a cheating device to obtain a Latias, but other than that, you will have to trade for it.

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the movie latios and latias come out on is in Pokemon heros the 5th movie

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