I`m pretty sure that you have to collect a bunch of skulltas (spider monster things) and give it to the family that has been turned into spider human creatures. I am not sure how many Skulltas you need. There are 100 Gold Skulltulas throughout the game to find. When you defeat
one, you can obtain the token it carried. After you killed enough of them and
won enough tokens, bring them to the House of Skulltula in Kakariko Village
to get prizes. Here's a list of the prizes:
10 Skulltulas: Adult's Wallet (holds up to 200 rupees)
20 Skulltulas: The Stone of Agony, which shakes the controller when you're
near secret grottos. (Only if you have the Rumble Pak
30 Skulltulas: Giant's Wallet (holds up to 500 rupees)
40 Skulltulas: You get some Bombchus
50 Skulltulas: A Piece of Heart
100 Skulltulas: You get the Gold rupee, which is worth 200 rupees. You can
come back as many times as you want to get it over and over
You can go to http://faqs.ign.com/articles/377/377702p1.html and search fro Gold Skulltulas and find out where to get all of them to.
The 200 rupee wallet can be obtained by saving up 200 rupees in the clock town bank, the 500 rupee wallet can be obtained at great bay, note: you need bombs, fire arrows, the hookshot, and the captains hat, you go in a spider house and destroy all 30 Spiders then return to the entrance and a guy will give you the wallet.
tingle should mail the locations to you but you need a rupee pouch that carries more than 200 ruppees. you can get one from the great fairy.
Hold down - (minus) to open up the pouch, then put the cursor finger on the Shield and let go of - to equip it.
i dnt know but a pouch snail eats algae and other underwater plants
They crawl up the mother fur and out of the puch and the onto the grass but i have seen in quiet alot where the feces are inside a mothers pouch, that only with younger ones though the bigger ones that can stand get out ( yes i am Australian)
Yes, the dunnart has a pouch. Most, not all, marsupials do have a pouch.
The pouch is also called the "brood pouch".
How big is the pouch
No he does not have a pouch
gular pouch
The female kangaroo does: her brood pouch.
Tobacco is stored in a tobacco pouch. The young is stored in a marsupials pouch. A pouch is simply a sack-like item for storing whatever the owner of the pouch wants to put inside.
no no gender of kangroo has a pouch