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To groom your pony:

1: Go to the barn. Once in the barn aisle, Click on your pony's stall door (Left hand side of the screen).

2: Now that you're in your pony's stall, you need to tie it up. Open the tack room door (right hand side of screen - click on it, it will swing open), and click on the halter. drag it over your pony's head.

3: Once your pony is tied, click on the hoof pick and use it to pick out the pony's hooves. Then take the curry comb and drag it over your pony's body, do the same with the body brush. Remember to fully groom both sides.

4: Now that your pony is clean, you should be able to tack up. Click on each item and drag it to the appropriate part of your pony. However, if you can't move the tack, There are a few things you can try -

~Check your pony's hooves again

~Make sure you're not zoomed in or out (zoom should be set at 100%)

~Clear your cache.

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14y ago

Currently, you can not have foals of your own on Club Ponly Pals.

To quote Jane Crandal:

"We do not have breeding and foals on our site. One of our goals with our site is to help young people learn about responsibility and what long term commitments are like."

And, to follow on from that,

"We have tens of thousands of virtual ponies in Wiggins and they all need good, responsible care. That's a lot of ponies."

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Why do they sell foal stuff in club pony pals if you cant get foals?

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There are two places to get a shovel in Club Pony Pals. You can get a shovel via a gift from a friend or buy one in the stables.

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The only way to get a weather vane in Club Pony Pals is for one of your Pals to gift it to you. Send a message to Jane Crandal if none of your friends can. She will send you one.

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Money glitches for club pony pals?

i have been playing club pony pals for a while now, and so far, I'm sad to say, no, there are absolutely no money glitches.

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Up your @ss

How can your pony recover its health on club pony pals?

You can buy the health treatment from the vending machine

Can you ride splash and daisy on club pony pals?


Where to find horse and rider on club pony pals?

no you can't it is impossible! it is nowhere!

Where do you drop off the apples on club pony pals?

in the bin inside the barn