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You must find it yourself! I'm very lucky because I get it.So I can describe it:In the left,there is a sapper launcher and In the right,there is a machine gun. Now you can.............................find it by yourself!

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Q: How do you get a sapper fighter in the online game bubble tanks?
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Sapper fighter on bubble tanks 2?

the sapper fighter has a machine gun on the main bubble and a sapper launcher at the back

Where can you play bubble tanks 2?


Is there a Bubble Tanks 3?

No their is not yet a bubble tanks 3, but their is a bubble tanks arena witch can be played on most game websites. but in fall 2010 bubble tanks 3 will be out with the same fetures as BTA but with the freedom to explore and make allies to help you out. The RD of BT3 is December 13-15 2010. Bubble tanks 3 is out on and HI homepage

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You want bubble tanks 3?

YES BUBBLE TANKS 3 WOULD BE EPIC !!! Every day at this time I have computers and it`s soooo boring.... I played 1 and 2 through dozens of times already. I WANT BUBBLE TANKS 3 !!!

Where can you download bubble tanks 3?

the computer

When is bubble tanks arena coming out?

It's allready out.

When will Bubble tanks arena come out?

June 1st

Where can you play bubble tanks 3?

on or or

Any cheats for bubble tanks?

no only for part 2

When is bubble tanks tower defence coming out?

It's already out!