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On singleplayer mode you can use an inventory editor, like for instance a mod called TooManyItems. See the link below for download link and a guide to teach you how to install mods.

On multiplayer mode you can simply type in "/give [user ID] 46" without the " ". The number 46 is the number of TNT. For a full list of all items and all their numbers, see the link below.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Probably the same way you do on the computer. Kill some creepers to get sulfur(gunpowder) and then get sand. Put it in a crafting table like this

Sulfur Sand Sulfur

Sand Sulfur Sand

Sulfur Sand Sulfur

If that doesn't work, you cant make it on XBOX

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11y ago

First of all you need to get minecraft which is around 20 us dollars. Then once in minecraft you need to kill some creepers for their gunpowder and collect some sand then in your crafting table you put the sand and gunpowder in a design like this #= sand %= gunpowder #%#



To activate it without needing redstone you need to make a Flint and steel once you have made your Flint and steel right click with the flint and steel on the placed tnt and there you go otherwise you need a lever or a button or a redstone current to activate it

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10y ago

You can't

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