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You cannot, GOTY edition only includes the 2 major expansions shivering isles and nights if the nine.

The micro expansions such as the horse armour are only available with a separate download via XBL marketplace.

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13y ago
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13y ago

there are 2 types of armour that kind of have the same power and have the same strength those are the deadric, and shivering isles armour. they are both extremly good but dont worry if you cant get any of these armour because you are probably fine with the armoury you have! i have got both of these armour. its hard to get so dont worry!

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12y ago

Travel to the Arena and once you are there speak to Owyn, he is a Redguard who is also the Blademaster in charge of the Arena Bloodworks. After doing so you will automatically be a member of the Arena and be asked which type of Arena Armor you want. You can choose either Light Armor or Heavy Armor.

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13y ago

you will need to get the horse armour plugin, if on PC you could buy it with the knights of the nine expansion

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12y ago

Join the dark brotherhood and there is a quest you have to do to get it.

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13y ago

You have to get the dlc for oblivion before you can get horse armour

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13y ago

There is no DLC horse armour in Skyrim.

The PC version currently has Horse Armor mods which will add various armor styles to horses.

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Q: How do you get armor for your horse in the Oblivion Game of the Year edition on the X-Box 360?
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if by oblivion you mean the elder scrolls then no, the game of the year edition is the original game and the expansion packs all on one disk, either way it is the same game besides the fact that the game of the year edition has both expansion packs on it, the knights of the nine and the shivering isles.

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The 'Game of the Year Edition' should be $30.

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the tes4 construction set is not included in The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion game of the year edition but you can download it from:

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The game of the year edition of Oblivion comes with The Shivering Isles expansion and the Knight of the Nine expansion.More downloadable content is available on the Xbox Live Marketplace.

Oblivion game of the year edition?

I don't understand the question. Oblivion Game of the Year edition came with Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles. and the only way so far that is tried and true to activate it is to have xbox live and get the update for it