They are sold out and you have to purchase one used or from a collector
They have it for pre-order sale on, and I'm pretty sure its on their website too. it costs $180, so be prepared to spend big.
It is not available there for preorder on September 13 2012
no because they are 2 totally different games
No it was the Black Ops Hardened or Prestige edition that had the 4 World at War Zombie Maps or they were also in the Rezurrection DLC for the first game
Once you reach the prestige Level it will ask you
Just because they used the maps from world at war in black ops prestige and hardened editions of Black Ops does not mean they will continue to do so for Black Ops II. You should definitively not expect it to be part of a standard edition of the game
To unlock prestige rewards
you need to reach the entire level fiftyfive then you go into your barracks and and prestige
Most likely yes. yes black ops 2 does have zombies exactly like the original black ops did. but if you wanted nuketown zombies with black ops 2, you had to pre-order black ops 2 as a hardened or prestige pakage.
you have to be on level 55 to prestige in bo2 and since when do we prestige up in level 25???
prestige is another type of way to level up in black ops. once you get level 50 in blacks ops you can start your prestige. when you start your prestige you start back at level 1 with no guns and no perks. but you get the honor to be called prestige 1. once you get to level 50 again you can start again back at level 1 with prestige 2. and you can keep going until prestige 15. once prestige 15 there is nothing more you can do.