This channel will activate after you have shipped 300 of one type of item you produced on your farm (300 turnips or 300 eggs or so on). Items produced by the Maker machines (yarn, mayo) do not count towards the total.
You must first unlock the Harvest Sprite named Jet. To find him go to the second floor of the inn. At the end of a hallway there is an Orange Crate. Press the A button on the top side of the Crate to find him.
Once you unlock Jet go to the Sprite Tree House. Jet will be behind the counter next to Guts. He owns a store and sells different items. One of the tings he sells is Records. Buy five Records and you will unlock the Harvest Sprite that runs Channel 5.
Mercury After you find Guts the Channel 1 Sprite will appear. Venus Purchase an item from Karen's store for a total of 10 days. Earth Rescue 20 lost Harvest Sprites. Mars Ship at least 300 of one item that you have produced on your farm. Items that count are crops, flowers, tree fruit, milk, eggs, or wool. Jupiter Purchase 5 Records from Jet at the Sprite Tree. Saturn Participate in 3 seasonal festivals. Uranus Befriend a villager to 100 Friendship Points. You can easily find this Sprite by using the show your pet trick. Neptune Available from the beginning of the game. Pluto The most difficult Station Sprite to find. You must ship 100,000 of one item that you have produced on your farm. Items that count are crops, flowers, tree fruit, milk, eggs, or wool.
Those are all the tv sprites hope i helped!!
When it shows up on the shopping channel
If you mean the third Harvest Sprite Channel in Harvest Moon DS or Harvest Moon DS Cute, all you have to do is rescue 20 Harvest Sprites. After your twentieth Sprite you will automatically unlock your twenty-first Sprite who runs Channel 3.
All you have to do is participate in three yearly festivals.
You can only be a girl in Harvest Moon DS Cute
You cannot get a rabbit in Harvest Moon DS Cute.
no, but you can be a girl farmer in harvest moon ds cute. the two games have different stories and harvest moon ds was the inspiration for harvest moon ds cute as more girls were found to be playing the game than boys at the time of the beginning of the launch of harvest moon ds cute.
The Harvest moon DS cute game cost about $40.00
In harvest Moon DS Cute you LIVE in Forget-me-not valley!
You have to buy something from Karen's everyday for 10 days then you get channel 2 on the harvest sprite show, and you buy it from channel 2.
You have to get two house upgrades and then it will be available on the shopping channel
none :( there are glitches for the boy version of harvest moon ds though. but for harvest moon cute, they were fixed :(
No. Harvest Moon DS Cute is a DS game. If you want to play it you'll need to buy a copy and play it on a DS.