Just go to magic town find the guy in the pink coat and buy a magic wand OR when you first move into your house the guy in the pink coat will ring your door bell leaving you a package and you click on it say add to invitory and then click magic wand.
Okay, so this hasn't worked for me every time but 98% of the time it has:
1. Hit Ctrl+alt+C
2. type: boolproptestingcheatsenabled true into the white bar at the top of the screen
3. Go onto the skills screen, and just drag the charisma bar up to where you want it.
By the way: This cheat works for every skill. And if it doesn't work for you the first time... then just make your sim go out of town to a comunity lot or downtown, then it will definitey work! Good Luck! ;-)
First, you buy a mirror in buy mode, and place it on the wall. Then you direct your sims to the mirror and click it. Then, select either practice speech or practice romance. Then your sim will either talk or kiss the mirror. The skill bar should go up and your sim should gain a few charisma points. The fastest way to gain it is by kissing.
Hope this helps!
By Practising speech in the mirror
In the Sims? Practice talking in a mirror.
You have to find and greet the other crew members and then interact with them.
Read the books or practice speech in mirror.
A political career in the Sims 3 can be obtained by going to the City Hall. Your sims will need a high charisma level to get to the top of the political career latter.
Skills for what? There's mechanical, creativity, cooking, charisma, logic, and body.
You first buy a mirror from buy mode and you click on either practice romance or practice speech and from either one of those two you eventually gain a charisma skill point.
to be able to do that all you need is a mirror, any kind of mirror will do. Then all you have to do is click on the mirror and it will say something like "Improve Charisma" or something and that's the way you improve your charisma. However you need to have a certain amount of friends and to do that but it's quite easy.
you earn the point by going in the mirror a nd push speech
Basically it takes about 3 to 4 days depending on how much charisma you have. The charisma also affects how long the baby stays asleep. So, to be sure, when you decide to have a baby make sure you have at least 5 charisma (I speak from experience) Glad to help! Bye ^_^
Charisma Manulat was born on April 1, 1979, in Edwards Air Force Base, California, USA.