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Defeat the bird in Ilex Forest, then go to little boy at the opening of the forest to receive Cut.

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Q: How do you get cut on Pokemon tower defense 2?
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1.first get the attack cut from Tms/Hms. 2.Then go to route 2. 3.Then place the pokemon which is having the attack cut to a very small tree and finish the level and you will get the attack cut in Tms/Hms.

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you evolve golbat with friendship of the trainer

How do you change night to day in Pokemon tower defense 2?

It changes automatically

How to you get Snorlax in Pokemon tower defense?

keep playing poketower 2 and it will apear

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wait till next week

How do you get pass the police in Pokemon Tower Defense?

play pokemon tower defence 2 on hacked arcade games and talk to the cop then battle him and he will let you go to the ruins

How do you bet cerulean gym 2 on Pokemon tower defense?

Make your pokemon learn painful moves. Use JUST those pokemon.