You can get his robes on the star forge if you're dark side aligned but anything else is done using mods.
Not really. KOTORII follows the story of the Jedi Exile, not Revan, but Canderous (Mandalore), HK-47, and T3-M4 are in your party. Bastila Shan and Carth Onasi have a few cameo appearcences in the game, but are not in your party. Also, you must fight a vision of Malak and Revan on Korriban.
In KotOR 1, I'de say maybe 30+? Aside from that, Revan lived for well over 300 years, some believe he became Immortal. We don't know anything about his death, or even if he died at all.
admiral cede will shown if you choose revan alignment when first dialog with atton at the peragus mining facility. if u want to choose admiral cede, just choose that revan go back to korriban and rally the sith to destroy the republic. if you want Carth Onasi, just say anything good about revan to atton at the first dialog. you can choose revan gender too when talking to atton at the first dialog
You can get the robes on the Star Forge if you are dark side aligned, anything else is a mod.
Yes all you have to do is make Revan go to the dark side throughout the game and when you confront Bastilla on the unknown world acknowledge that you are Darth Revan and turn against Jolee and Juhanni. When you finally go to the Star Forge you will get Darth Revan Robes instead of Star Forge Robes when you go to the machine.
No you don't need KotOR I to run KotOR II.
Alex Revan is 6' 0 1/2".
you have got vista and kotor dosent work for vista hope this helped
If Revan is light side in both 1 and 2, then he travels into the unknown regions with T3 and never comes back. T3 comes back later and brings another of Revan's followers to help him.
Yes, you can.
Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion, Darth Traya, Freedon Nadd (mod), Darth Malak, Darth Revan.