

Best Answer

go to ,go to wizard101 code generator go to tier 7 and click on the steps in order 1-3 wait for ads and enjoy your free codes

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Q: How do you get free codes with no survey on wizard101?
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Related questions

How do you get free codes on wizard101?

the website for free codes is in the related links

What are codes for wizard101?

here is the the site a free genarator no download

How do you download wizard101 on the ipod?

It has not been invented yet but you can download wizardblox a free fun game where you can earn codes for wizard101

What are the cheat codes for wizard101?

There are a wide variety of cheat codes that exist for the game Wizard101. These include entering in 74847-19125-65912-68821 for free crowns and 6979D-3L8W5-39PLM-4L82Q for a free tiger pet.

What are all the new wizard101 cheat codes?

frog 500 gold summerdragon free dragon pet

What are all the working codes for wizard101 in December 2011?

darkredwingdragon gives you a free red dragon mount permanent

What are wizard 101 cheats?

Just found this new Wizard101 Cheat. it cheats you free crowns and gold in the game. i just found it searching on google. its called v5.6b wizard101 hack. theres a free download on the website, they have new codes for wizard101 too. download - website -

What are the sword codes for wizard101?


Do you have unused toontown or wizard101 codes?


Can you enter the codes wizard101?

sorry but no

What are the new codes for wizard101?

jazz and wizkid codes are the new they are not real

What are the 2011 new wizard101 codes?

There are no new codes all of them are gone.