You can get hats randomly on rare occasions, but you can also craft one.
You can do so by either using 3 Refined Metal, or 2 other hats.
to be cool
Yes, you can receive hats from The Item Drop System.
No, only hats.
Team Fortress 2 is Free on Steam
There are currently a total of 214 hats (excluding the 91 misc items
Team Fortress 2 is available on Steam for free to all users.
You can get Team Fortress 2 on Steam for free.
Unusual hats in Team Fortress 2 worth a lot because they are unique and different, hence unusual. Not a lot of TF2 users would have them and that is what makes those hats stand out from the rest, and as a result, they are worth quite a lot.
There is currently a total of 235 hats (excluding the 124 Miscellaneous items) in TF2.
Trade them.
There is no Team Fortress 2 download with less violence. Team fortress is not that type of game. You can download the game on Steam for free, though.