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You can get hats randomly on rare occasions, but you can also craft one.

You can do so by either using 3 Refined Metal, or 2 other hats.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

buy them from the store in game menu :D

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Q: How do you get free hats on team fortress 2?
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Related questions

Why do players like hats in Team Fortress 2?

to be cool

Can you find hats in Team Fortress 2?

Yes, you can receive hats from The Item Drop System.

Can you paint a cow mangler 5000 on Team Fortress 2?

No, only hats.

How much does team fortress 2 cost in steam?

Team Fortress 2 is Free on Steam

How much hats team fortress 2 have?

There are currently a total of 214 hats (excluding the 91 misc items

Where can you download Team Fortress 2?

Team Fortress 2 is available on Steam for free to all users.

How Do you Enter Voucher Codes On Steam for Team Fortress 2?

You can get Team Fortress 2 on Steam for free.

Why are unusual hats in Team Fortress 2 worth so much?

Unusual hats in Team Fortress 2 worth a lot because they are unique and different, hence unusual. Not a lot of TF2 users would have them and that is what makes those hats stand out from the rest, and as a result, they are worth quite a lot.

How many hats are there in Team Fortress 2?

There is currently a total of 235 hats (excluding the 124 Miscellaneous items) in TF2.

What is an easy way to get unusual hats other than uncrating in Team Fortress 2?

Trade them.

Where to download Team Fortress 2 low violence?

There is no Team Fortress 2 download with less violence. Team fortress is not that type of game. You can download the game on Steam for free, though.

Can you trade with a free account in Team Fortress 2?
