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On its own you can't but if you get your xbox modded (either chipped or softmodded) i believe that you can send data from PC to xbox and vica versa through the Ethernet cable. A little tricky to do though.

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13y ago

You go to say a best buy, buy a good hard drive(250 gb) if u need help finding in a section ask the guy who helps you, then buy it and install it on the back of your xbox. Depending on which xbox you have, it should be working!

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Q: How do you get hard drive on Xbox 360?
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Where to buy an hard drive for xbox 360 slim?

You can buy a Xbox 360 s hard drive from the Xbox website.

Where goes the xbox 360 hard drive go?

On the older Xbox 360's, at the top. The Xbox 360 S, the hard drive is located at the bottom of the Xbox.

Can a grey Xbox 360 hard drive be used with a new black Xbox 360?

Yes! If you open the case on that the old Xbox 360 Hard drive was in, you can just take the hard drive itself out, and put it in the new Xbox 360 Slim.

Is the Xbox 360 detachable hard drive compatible with the new Xbox 360 slim?

No, the new xbox 360 slim basically has a hard drive like a block, way better than the original xbox 360's long hard drive.

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You can put any xbox 360 hard drive on any 360 version

Can you play a Xbox game on a Xbox 360 console?

If you have a hard drive. If you do not have a hard drive in your 360 it will not workAll Xbox games will work on a 360 that has a hard drive (elite and pro come with hard drive). Arcade version owners need to buy a hard drive first

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No, but you do have the ability to buy a cord from gamestop that allows you to connect the old xbox 360 hard drive to the kinect.

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The xbox 360 arcade unit does not come with a hard drive. It comes with a memory card, but not a hard drive. You can buy one for you Xbox 360 Arcade, however.

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Will a Xbox 360 hard drive work with Xbox?

No it wont the Xbox 360 is the only Custum System that you can transfer the hard drive but it is not possible to switch it for a Xbox one.

Can you use an Xbox 360 hard drive on the newest Xbox 360?


What is the hard drive for in the xbox 360?

The hard drive is in the 360 for alot of different reasons. Many uses of the hard drive include: * Downloading Xbox 360 and Xbox originals * Accessing music * Accessing videos * Saving data for games