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First look at your map. Now do you see a big circle near the city to th left that is the airport. but an easy way to get in is punch in these in this order. TRIANGLE,TRIANGLE,SQUARE,CIRCLE,X,L1,L1,UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT.For somthing cool. when you get in press R3. When you do that you hold the RIGHT ANALOG STICK UP to go faster to sloooow down hold the SAME analog stick down and press R3tomake the wheels come out to land.

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16y ago
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15y ago

You can sneak into the airport. Get a car, park it next to the airport booth or next to the airport wall (make sure you are using a high car), jump on the car and jump on top of the booth or climb the wall. Jump past the gates and you are inside the airport. Now, go look for an airplane. You should find one easily.

I am PratikRulz improving the answre just in case you folks don't get stuck. Fly in the Shamal plane for 30 minutes, get a licence and with jetpack (ROCKETMAN) fly the plane you want!

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13y ago

If you mean the airport in Los Santos, then you are able to get in there by getting a large vehicle (a Flatbed, for example) and driving around the perimeter of the airport, until you come across a low brick wall. simply park alongside it, climb out, stand on your vehicle and jump over the wall. Straight in.

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12y ago

find an entrance with a man in blue shirt sitting in a small cabin like thing u can only enter if u have reached a certain point of progress in flying skill or u can just fly over the building using jetpack

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14y ago

In any of the airports where CJ can fly between cities, he just needs to find the door at the airport with a yellow marker and walk in.

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13y ago

you have to get a jetpack and fly over the fence then you can steal planes

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