You need to buy the Multiverse, which is 350 credits. ~torchiclover16
the soda pop shop is where you hang out with friends arcade you play games
On top of the Soda Pop Shop in Early Poptropica Island on Main Street.
go to Early Poptropica and go to Soda Pop Shop or the Arcade and costumizeReality TV Island: some of the reality shows have Mr. Hippie he has a necklace...
One is on Main Street at the Soda Pop Shop, and the other is in Poptropica Towers (far left). Before going after the Golden Egg, you should get the Glow Stick from the well in Early Poptropica village.
Press the space bar and click on the soda after you put it down.
The Courier Cafe in Urbana
Coconut soda or water with a little bit of sugar and a pinch of salt.
Yes, the show was highlighted nine restaurants in Indiana. They are:3 Sisters Cafe in IndianapolisJersey's Cafe in CarmelSouth Side Soda Shop & Diner in GoshenSteer-In Restaurant in IndianapolisThe Barking Dog Cafe in IndianapolisThe Tamale Place in IndianapolisTriple X Family Restaurant in West LafayetteZest-Exciting Food Creations in IndianapolisZydecos in Mooresville
Public Common Rooms:Early Poptropica - Soda Pop Shop & ArcadeShark Tooth - Coconut CafeTime Tangled - Party Time Tower24 Carrot - CinemaSuper Power - The Daily PaperSpy - The Hair ClubNabooti - Fly-By-Night AirlinesBig Nate - Cap'n Salty'sAstro Knights - Crop Circle InnCounterfeit - The Moldy Baguette InnReality TV - BilliardsMythology - Midas GymSkullduggery - The Broken BarrelSteamworks - Steamworks Gear ShopGreat Pumpkin (pending release)Private Multiverse Rooms:Big Brain FactoryEnchanted ForestTechno RoomSweet ToothCrystal Cavern
Theres a big balloon (i know what its properly called, but i don't think i could spell it correctly) on each island that will let you travel to each island. I'm guessing your on Early Poptropica right? (because that's where everybody starts at) The Big Balloon is right beside the soda pop shop. :)
coffee shop and lighthouse