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well you get money by entering contests and winning, you can sell whatever you have doubles of at the second hand shop, if you go into bark mode with someone they are able to bring you money as a gift, and also so you dont spend as much money instead of buying water and food from the pet supply store go on a walk with your dog and buy that stuff from the discount shop.

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15y ago
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15y ago

It is very simple. You need to be able to win contests. Everytime i take my dog for a walk i usually go to the gymnasium ( agility practise centre) I let my dog practise For a short period of time. After i while i enter them into an agilty contest. I also practise in other contests as well. Also whenever i receive an item on a walk, i sell whatever i don't want or need at the secondhand shop. Hope that helps! and good luck

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15y ago

Train your dog and then compete in lots of competitions. I'd advise you to do the Agility contest because personally I think that is the easiest. Certain types of dogs are better at different competitions. I don't know which though so I'd Google it!

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15y ago

Hi! When you go on a walk sell your stuff at the second hand shop or do contests.

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15y ago

You can earn money in Nintendogs by selling supplies in the second hand shop or by entering your dogs in the competitons.

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15y ago

go to the park while on a walk. when make sure there is another dog there. push y,x,x,b,a,x,y then you will get 100 at a time there will be a dog bark noise if it works! good luck

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14y ago

you can go to contest or go on walks and go to question marks on the map and sell what you find

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14y ago

same thing as all the nintendogs enter them in contest and sell things in the secondhand shop or find a pigy bank and break it

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No, to donate is to give for free.

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you cant send money on nintendogs its impossible. im sorry but you just cant even iv tried itlots of luv Katie louise jeory xxxxx

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Have an R4, use the cheat code "Infinite Money".

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if u unlock a book u get money a a book and in the rest of them u get money loads and loads of money!!!!!!!!

How do you get heaps of money on Nintendogs?

ANSWER: You have to first get three dogs. Then train them to be good at every competition. Then each day enter each one in the three competitions (You can onlky do three per dog each day :@) Then just wait and don't spend much! Soon you'll have loads of money! Hope this helps! :D

What is a gold bar in Nintendogs?

You sell a gold bar for money at the secondhand shop.

How much money does GameStop give you for nintendogs and cats?

2-8 dollars

In Nintendogs how do you earn a lot of money without entering a contest?

You can't Sell things that are worth a lot of money.

How do you earn loads of money?
