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Loot bags (bags that contain extra loot) are found on mobs throughout Azeroth. They can be randomly looted when killing certain regular mobs (like slimes), given out at the end of certain Heroics (like Heroic Oculus), or given as part of doing random pre-level 70 instances (Satchel of Helpful Things).

Regular bags that hold all your loot can be made by tailors and leatherworkers, and specialized bags to hold specific tradeskill items can be made by most of the crafting professions.

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Right click on the dead body/chest. Then click on the items that come up on the little screen of available loot items.

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Related questions

What part of speech is loot?

Loot is a noun (bags of loot) and a verb (to loot).

What are loot bags and what does they have to do with halloween candy?

Loot bags are what the Halloween candy are stored. WalMart is a store that sells many items online. You can purchase loot bags from WalMart and they will have it delivered to the store for free or to your home for a nominal cost.

Where to find Halloween trick-or-treat bags?

A great resource for online loot bags is Oriental Trading Company. They have a huge selection of loot bag items to fill the bags, as well a good selection of actual bags

How do you take many loot on wow?

Turn on auto loot and it should pick up everything that drops when you kill something.

Where to get the pet of the month loot-bags?

you get pet of the month loot bags on when you enter a new pet when its their own month. along with this you get more money, spins and oppurtunities. ITS REALLY COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE 4 WEBKINZ.

On webkinz you have the pet of the month and you did not get a token what do you do?

Some Webkinz, "Pet of the Month" loot bags will sometimes contain tokens, sometimes they won't. Ganz really decides itself what and what not to put in the Webkinz loot bags.

Are loot bags the same thing as party favor gift bags?

Yes. Party favor gift bags are often refereed to as loot bags. They are one and the same. Both are bags of goodies that are handed out to guests at parties or special events. They can contain anything from candy and small prizes to special mementos or souvenirs of the event. Such bags are often referred to as swag bags, especially at red carpet events.

Who is wootly?

Nobody. WOOT means "Hurrah (Wow, Loot!)" or "Want One Of Those"

How to Prepare Loot Bags for Halloween Parties?

School kids love getting loot bags at Halloween parties. But putting together a loot bag that all children in the classroom can enjoy is not as straightforward as it may seem at first glace. Parents that volunteer to help teachers produce loot bags may find the following five tips helpful.Five Tips for Making Spooktacular Halloween Loot BagsNot all children are permitted to celebrate Halloween for religious reasons. These children may not be able to accept Halloween themed loot bags. To prevent these children from being excluded from the holiday festivities, be sure to include several loot bags that are printed with a generic fall or harvest theme. Care should be taken to ensure that none of these generic bags include any Halloween themed items.Nothing goes better in Halloween loot bags than spooky school supplies. Halloween themed pencils, pencil toppers and erasers are popular choices for school parties. These are fun little knick-knacks that children can remove from their loot bags and use immediately.Not all items in Halloween loot bags should be school oriented. Kids need some items that are just purely for fun. Temporary tattoos, spider rings and small puzzle games are always big hits with younger kids. Friendship bracelets, bouncy balls and other small items may be included in generic harvest bags.Many children today are diabetic or have gluten allergies. They may not be able to eat candy, cookies or other treats commonly included in Halloween loot bags. Consider including a piece of fruit instead of a sugary treat. If you include candy, investigate options for sugar-free and gluten-free candies that everyone will be able to enjoy.Distributing the loot bags is much easier if none of them are personalized. There is always the chance that a name may be left off the list and one or more children may not receive loot bags. Bags can be separated into boy / girl loot bags if great care is taken to make sure there are enough of each. Boys will not be happy about getting a girl loot bag and vice versa. Have a few extra bags for each gender on hand just in case.

Do you get tokens in a loot-bag on Webkinz?

You get them on your birthday, or in the wheel of wow or any other special wheels you get to spin.

What is in pet of the months loot bags?

It has a exclusive item, food of the pet, wish token, money

What are some loot codes of wow?

Loot codes are unique for each card, so there's no point in giving a code since it's most likely already used up.