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Bricks, Wood boards, Nails, Harnesses, Horseshoes are all available for purchase in the Buildings section of your FarmVille Market. They cost 1 FV ($) each. Also, apparently, each person has the ability to gift certain things. So, ask your friends, they can send certain ones to you as a gift, depending on what they have available to send.

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You can only send nails if these are 2 of the materials you can gift.

If someone sends you a nail you can gift it back to them

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Q: How do you get nails and planks on Farmville?
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Where can you get nails and planks on runescape?

Planks are outside of Varrok in the Lumberyard. You have to be a member to SMITH nails.

How many wooden planks do you need for dragon slayer in runescape?

3 planks and 90 nails.

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You would be best off to buy them through the Grand Exchange. But if you insist on doing it the hard way... Planks: You can get logs exchanged for planks at the sawmill (for a fee). Steel Nails: You can make nails through Smithing. You will need a steel bar and a Smithing level of 34. One steel bar will yield 15 nails.

How do you send wooden planks as a gift in FarmVille?

Go to the Free Gifts page on farmville. Select wooden plank if it is available at the present time and select next. Click on the friend you want to send it to and click send.

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well first of all you must collect all the needed supplies like horse shoes, harnesses, wooden planks, nails and bricks. you need 10 of each then you should be able to easily stable them like you put a cow or chicken into their homes :) hope i helped

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Wood planks, hammer, and nails, and probably straw.

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you have to baricade the doors by using nails, and wooden planks. press b to build

How do you make a toy horse on runescape?

A saw, hammer, nails (of any type), planks, and a clockwork bench at your house.

How many nails does it take to build a staircase on runescape?

There are several types of staircases. For example, an oak staircase requires no nails - but it requires 10 oak planks and 4 steel bars.

What method did the vikings use to build their ships?

Clinker building: overlapping planks fastened to each with iron nails/rivets

What material are shanty houses made from?

From any material to hand: corrugated metal sheets, assorted planks, plastic sheeting, nails, rope and string.

Where are the houses that can be barricaded in dead frontier?

i want to know the same thing i saked and they say its a new patch ....i was wondering why i kept finding nails and planks lol