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Turn on the TV by using the screwdriver (from the kitchen) to move the battery from the toy truck to the TV remote. Climb up on the TV antenna. You will get a static charge. Jump down to the TV then left onto the green balloon, which will carry you to the picture frame (and the fish food shelf). Don't try to jump from the antenna. It won't work.

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13y ago
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12y ago

The green balloon near the TV will let you reach the shelf with the fish food. Once you spill the food, and turn off the filter, you can dive for the diary key in the small treasure chest in the aquarium.


1. take the screwdriver from the kitchen drawer

2. go in the living room and take the battery out of the toy truck

3. climb up to the table and use the screwdriver to put the battery in the remote

4. press the green button to turn on the TV

5. climb the tv and onto the rabbit ear anntenna to get static on you

6. climb down to the tv

7. jump to the green balloon, which will float you to the picture frames

8. climb onto the shelf and spill the fish food, jump down and turn the filter off

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12y ago

Find the toy truck and back it up. Use the screwdriver to remove its battery.

Put the battery in the TV's remote control and press the green button.

The TV will turn on. Climb to the top, where the "rabbit ears" antenna is getting a static charge. Stand on it and you start to sparkle from the charge.

Jump to the TV , then jump left onto the green balloon. The static charge will make you stick to it, and you will land on one of the picture frames. Jump down to the shelf above the aquarium.

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12y ago

After you get the battery you put it in the remote, turn on the t.v, and climb on top of it to the antenna.....that should give you electric power to stick to the balloon. :) Hope this helped you!

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12y ago

You need a static charge, like when a balloon sticks to a wall after being rubbed on a sweater.

Get the screwdriver from the kitchen drawer and take the battery out of the toy truck (you will put it back later). Install the battery in the TV remote and press the green button to turn on the TV. If you climb up to the antenna, you will pick up a charge. Jump down to the TV and then over to the green balloon, which will carry you to the picture frames. You can reach the shelf and spill the fish food there.

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12y ago

Well, there is no way of reaching the blue balloon. You can, however, reach the green balloon by simply doing this. First, you must get the screw driver from the kitchen. Next, take the screw driver to the remote controlled truck near the television. Get the batteries from the truck and put them in the remote controll for the tv. Push the button to turn on the tv. Climb to the tv anteennas and get some static from them. Then, stay on top of the tv but get off of the antennas. Jump onto the green balloon. You can now reach the shelf from the picture frames on the wall. Hope this helps.

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12y ago

you cannot stick to the green balloon. if you want to know what the password to log on to cj's computer, then go to the bathroom, turn on the HOT water, turn off the lights, and there will be a message on the mirror:) good luck!!:)

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12y ago

I'm pretty sure your talking about the girl WITH the balloon experiment.

To take it off your head just exit the room. Or find another hairstyle.

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