I don't think you can find other people's codes on superbia. I think you just have to find some friends that go on superbia. I go on superbia my code is 448Almond146. I hope you found this helpful.
To get peoples share codes type 'superbia share codes' on Google and you will find a lot! you could also ask your friends for theirs!A_few_share_codes_are:_">A few share codes are:robin186_">robin186680Lava470_">680Lava470hazelnut200994Dolphin154
sstip :)
I have some cheat codes they are ricos,wacky,samba if they are expired to badddddddddddd
I dont think there is beaucase its the only 1
If your share code is something like Apple1 then try something a bit like Apple71. It could be the same fruit or animal or whatever but a just different number. Try stuff like Rabbit or Cat. Mine is Apricot950 so you can add me.
Zoe cute
You can use a Action Reply codes to catch other trainers pokemon.
Your share codes is in the left hand corner of the screen. It is usually 13digits. Not all the time though. To get other people's share code, ask online.
add me as a friend jaguar171
Share codes are in white on the top left hand side of your screen. To find other people's, or friends you'll need to search on the internet and or ask your friends to send or write it for you.
I would recommend 900 master balls, all the medicines, and catch other peoples Pokemon.