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Q: How do you get rid of a house theme in fallout 3?
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Who likes the fallout 3 theme song?

I do! It's awesome.

How do you get rid of Fallout 3 downloads?

try deleting the from your harddrive

What is the Fallout 3 major theme?

War. War never changes.

Where do you kill Timmy in Fallout 3?

by the house

Is there a way to remove house improvements in your Fable 3 Megaton House?

its called fallout 3

How do you get the Fallout 3 premium theme?

You need to have an xbox live account. Go to the live marketplace and search the games area. Find fallout 3, and there will be a menu with all the addons you can purchase.

What would Eminem's special be in Fallout 3?

Fallout 3 is a videogame that takes place during 2277. The theme of the video game is the aftermath of a nuclear war, and to influence this, music in the video game is from the 1940s or 1950s. Eminem has nothing to do with Fallout 3 and is not included in the music.

How do you get to Dukovs House On fallout 3?

travel east from Anchorage memorial.

On fallout 3 how do you cage people in your house?

No. Unless they wonder in your house, but when I see people doing that, I kill them. :)

How do you activate the abandon house in Fallout 3?

deactivet the the nuke in town center

Can you get a balaclava on fallout 3?

I have finished the first fallout 3 game without the expancion and i have not come across one. if i had i fully would have it in my house in megaton =P home sweet home =P

Does fallout new Vegas freeze like Fallout 3?

Occasionally Fallout: New Vegas will freeze, but not as frequently as Fallout 3.