you need to download penguin storm8 but only you can see the color so if you say im silver there not going to believe you because only you can see the silver color
the senseis password is ninjalord101
No one knows his password. He is a bot for Club Penguin as well.
he doesn't have a password. all the characters that are by the cp crew people dont have passwords
Sensei is not somebody's personal penguin. He is a mascot. Thus his E-mail ID will be that of the club penguin team. So to talk to Sensei, to ask some questions about him, or to ask questions about card-jitsu games, contact the club penguin team.
Sensei's password on club is ClubPenguinSensei. If you don't think I'm right than proof it. Today is April 28th.
The color of Rookie on club penguin is dark green.
This is not possible. There is no rainbow colour on club penguin.
The most popular color of Puffles in Club Penguin is blue.
On Club Penguin, the color gray is not available and will supposedly never be. The Sensei is the only known penguin that has the color gray.
change the colour of your penguin
No, there is not one, but you can change the color of your penguin. <(")