depending on your level best damage is 50-80
Just go on Artix's random quests until you find death knight quest, do all the condiments that the death knight wants you to get then go to the boss fight and you should get a death knight helm or a cape or a belt or a necklace, hope this helps!Have fun!
First you need to become a Paladin and a Necromancer. Train both fully and then visit Artix. Click on other classes and then click on Death Knight. This will bring you to Sir Malifact's tomb. You can purchase and train the Death Knight armor from there.
Death Knight armor is unlockable from Artix in Doomwood/Necropolis, after you complete the quest chain. You will need to have unlocked Paladin and Necromancer first, the Death Knight armor is trained in the same way.
you can't you have to wait in 1 week before they let it out Soul weaver class will be out in 2011
you have to get a undead slayer badge from Artix
You have to order it online
You need to completely unlock Paladin and Necromancer armors before Death Knight class is available to be used. It is explained in game by Artix (in Doomwood/Necropolis)
i gotta say, that wasnt the smartest question ever, for a starrt, there is no such class as "dark knight", the closest ones are the death knight and the doomknight, for death knight just go to artix in necropolis and train the paladin and necromancer to full, then you can start on the deathknight. the deathknight though, is more complicated, you have to have bought a DA for 2 years or more to buy the doomknight class OR, you can break the rules by downloading doomknight loader into a custom swf loader on dragonfable trainers
it will come out soon
you ask your mum to buy it <{
Yes you need a dragon amulet to be a death knightfrom zakaria1994: not exactly, but the right sides of the movements needs a DA, the same thing as other armors.