no actually when your in vault 87 u turn on the fire alarm that frees Fawkes who u follow and he will bring the geck to u out of the radiation zone ( try not to shoot him because the fact that hes a super mutant and leave your followers at home for that quest or they'll disappear or die).
You can also ignore Fawkes and retrieve the geck yourself. If you do this you need sufficient rad resistance because the whole chamber is flooded with very high levels of radiation. I'm not sure why anyone would want to choose this path because 1) you don't get Fawkes while in 87 to kill enemies on your way to the geck 2) You have to risk radiation poisoning by going in alone and 3) You won't be able to have Fawkes as companion after Raven Rock.
Download GECK from Bethesda's downloads page
Sadly no the GECK is only compatible with the PC.
At the fallout 3 website ( download the geck to make mods!
Its only on the PC.
First off the G.E.C.K. can only be used on The PC and you will need the fallout 3 game installed to use it combine the G.E.C.K. and softwares like blender or 3d max to create good mods and what not the geck is a item in fallout that can only be used on a quest
The GECK is located inside Vault 87, North of Little Lamplight, it's only access point.
You need to update the geck to version 1.5, for example from here: Cheers
Nope, but you could try Hex Editing if you really want to mod your 360 game.
Buy it from the steam website, install steam and it will allow you to download fallout3 after validating the key.
Just for the PC ATM i really HOPE they release for the 360 There will never be a GECK (or equivalent) for the 360 because it is against Microsoft's ToS to modify the game in any way. the gecks only on broken steel
yes this has started to happen to me here lately
The Elder Scrolls Construction Set.It was first released alongside Morrowind in the Game of the Year Edition.The Oblivion version is available for download from Bethesda's website.