It is a gs ball. You have to get a Japanese version and go into the Pokemon transcommunication center. Then try to walk out and there will be a guy who gives u a gs ball. Then go to Kurt in azaela. Talk to him, then go to ilex forest and go to the shrine. you will put the gs ball in the hole and celebi will appear. explode.
u can have anykind
You need a black one
You need to find an apricot and take it to the guy who can make pokeballs and you will get the apricot pokeball which will help you to catch celebi
I believe you need a black apricot but also you need the national pokedex now if I'm wrong I am sorry
You don't need a Apricot to get the GS Ball. You get it from the Wi-Fi event.
A black one lol use action replay
premier ball at night or pokeball in the morning and in the afternoon masterball
Hey I dont remenber wich color of apricot I think one type of apricot that you can only have with cheats Im sorry but Im almost sure you need cheats you can buy a action replay ds or dsi if you have a ds or dsi you can have cheats with that but you will have to get the cheat by internet . If you want to talk to me my msn is i know its weird.
You do not give kurt a apricorn to get celebi he only gives away poke balls and you get celebi of mystery gift and it has probably gone by now-sorry for the disapointment. It is called a apricorn
No apricot is used. The GS Ball was distributed through Nintendo Event and is no longer available.
you cannot get the GS ball with a apricot, you need a gameshark
Yes you need Celebi but you can trade on GTS