It was called Resident Evil. Director's Cut is just a somewhat updated version of it.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut is just simply an updated version of the very first Resident Evil. Director's Cut really has no difference from the original, mainly just added cutscenes. Nothing too special about it.
If you mean, Resident Evil 4, then all's you got to do is get at least a 4 star ranking at the island that is during sunset.
The original version was released in 1996, and takes place in 1996. However, when Resident Evil 2 and the Director's Cut of Resident Evil were released in 1998, the story was changed to take place in 1998.
i would buy it for 30$ regular price 50$
On your DVD player after you go to the store and rent it. Or you can go on the playstation network and by the game (Or movie).
you are going to have to find two red jewels and then put them in a loin's head in a smaller room
Yes, couple bucks at Game Stop, maybe more on craigslist
It's a set-timed level. Which means just run around and wait for the cut screen.
It can be scary at times but not as scary as the first 3
Steve burnside is a playable character, but not for very long, there is a cut scene then u play him for about 5 mins, then theres another cut scene and your Claire again. Also he is in the mercenaries when u finish the game.
the direct's cut has multiple ending, depends on your action decides what endings you get. you could not fight tyrant, another you have to fight him twice by yourself or even once by yourself and again with 2 NPCs