

Best Answer

"Before you enter CAS use the unlockoutfits on cheat. that will unlock it in accessories then remove it as any other necklace is removed."

i saw this answer somewhere hope it helps you

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Can you delete sims off The Sims 3?

Yes. Click the sledge hammer next to the eyedropper and the customizing button.

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turn it off and turn it back on again

How do you get the blur off of sims 3?

Well maybe your computer needs to change the monitor setting or your computer is not good enough to run the sims 3 smoothly.

How many sims games since Sims 3 pets?

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What Sims 3 are out?

Lots are out. The sims 3 university, sims 3 nightlife, sims 3 adventures, sims 3 generations... you name it!