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You get the peashooter by first going to diamond plains and giving the letter to the marshall in the root beer saloon. When he gives you the marshall badge, go back to dusty gulch and get a portrait of yourself. After that, go back to diamond plains and give the portrait to the person in the marshalls office, and then you get the peashooter.

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12y ago
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12y ago

you have to become the marshal when you do that go to the marshal office and you'll have to give the person in the office a portrait and in the corner theirs a peashooter he will give it to you

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13y ago

To get the pea shooter you have to fist become the new marshall. By doing this you have to deliver the letter from the first person on the horse when you first enter wild west island, and deliver it to the original marshall in the pub. Deliver the message to him and he will give you his sheriff badge. Put in the star and go back the marshal's office where that other guy is. he'll tell you that as the marshal, you have to take a picture. go back to main street and go to the man who does pictures. he'll take your offer and you have to do this game where you have to keep the camera still. when you win that you will have the picture and you can bring it back to the office. click on the pea shooter in the glass case and you will get it! Hope this helps!

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12y ago

After you get your officer badge, go to the guy that takes pictures. He will see you are an officer and will take your picture. Then go to the Marshall building in Diamond Plains. You give him your picture (portrait) and he will give you the pea gun.

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13y ago

on diamond plains you go into the marshal's office and give the man your portrait you get the portrait in Dusty Gulch

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you become the sherif and you get the pee shooter

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press the space bar

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12y ago

you dont :O

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Q: How do you get the pea shooter in poptropica?
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Just click your mouse

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you uh oops sorry nevermind didnt work

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you use the spud shooter which you get after you defeat everyone at the shooting contest.

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You have to go to your bag, and click Equip on your potato gun, or Pea shooter, which you get from the Marshal.

Where do you use your portrait on Wild West Poptropica?

You go to marshals office and hang it above the door too get the pea shooter

Where do you get the pea shooter on wild west island?

The pea shooter is in the Marshal's office. When he gives you his badge, go back to Dusty Gulch to have your portrait taken. Then Flint's deputy will let you have the pea shooter. After the jailbreak, go to Dos Cactos and use the pea shooter in the shooting contest.

How do you get the pea shooter on wild west island?

The pea shooter is in the Marshal's office. When he gives you his badge, go back to Dusty Gulch to have your portrait taken. Then Flint's deputy will let you have the pea shooter.

How do you shoot the canary in poptropica?

you use either the pea shooter or the spud gun and click on the key. The gun will shoot by itself an the key drops and you take it.

How do you get the pea shooter?

when you go to the marshles office you become the sharff. go over to the cabinet. click on it. you get the pea shooter.

Where is the pea shooter in poptropica?

You have to go to the marshals building and give the man there a portrait of your character. to get the portrait go get one taken in the place next to diamond something.

Where do you find a pea shooter on poptropica?

u got to go to wild west then leave town and go to the diamond plains then you should see marshal for its name

What do you do with the spud gun on wild west poptropica?

there's a mini-game that you use the gun for. it's better than using the pea shooter to shoot things.