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its always opened. you just need the money to afford the items

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Q: How do you get the pokemart unlocked in Pokemon tower defense?
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Where do you get evolution stones in Pokemon tower defense?

click pokemart

How do you unlock new level in Pokemon tower defense?

Complete the latest level and the next level will be unlocked.

What is the different of Pokemon tower defense and Pokemon tower defense hacked?

it is ?

How do you use moon stone in Pokemon defense game?

in pokemon tower of defense you buy a moon stone from the pokemart then before you go into battle select check pokemon buy clicking on the pokemon and then select use item then select the moon stone. i hope this helped.

How do you get thunder stone in Pokemon tower defence?

you get it in the pokemart for 10000 pokedollars

What are the cheats for Pokemon Tower Defense v2.1?

Well, if you are playing computer version, you can got to hacked pokemon tower defense.

What level will Jigglypuff evolve in Pokemon tower difense?

no level moonstone buy it at the pokemart

What legendary Pokemon can you catch in Pokemon tower defense?


What is Pokemon tower defense?

That would be a Pokemon game.

How do you save a Pokemon tower defense profile online on scumlabs?

how to create save profile online in pokemon tower defense v3.1.5

Is there such thing as Pokemon Black and White tower defense?

No, but if you go to go to tower defense games one of them is Pokemon td.

Can you send you Pokemon tower defense Pokemon to Pokemon heart gold?
