Go to Great Bay, which requires getting Epona to do. In the water, you'll see a dying Zora; push him up to shore and you'll see a cutscene of him dying. Play the Song of Healing and watch the cutscene to get the Zora Mask.
once you get the zora child to the shaman you must walk out of the inn and fter you talk to telma you will she the late-zora queens ghost follow it to the graveyard she will lead you a rock it will disapere then craw thought the hole once you are thought swim over to her she will talk to you then give you the zora amore you can swin under water as long as you like with it. SCORE!!!!!! LOL
To get the Zora Mask you must save the sick Zora from the bay, and push him to shore, then he will ask you to "Heal Me." and then play the Song Of Healing, and he will turn into the Zora Mask.
There are a total of 7 Zora Eggs in "The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask".
In the ocean sector of the game "Majoras Mask" (requires epona), You play the song of healing for the Zora that is lying on the ocean shore.
Unfortunately, you must have this confused with Majora's Mask. The Zora Mask in Ocarina of Time is just for show and is removed as soon as you set foot in the water. Believe me, I've tried.
Yep. Teh Mask of Truth lets you talk to those statue thing-a-ma-bobs. Teh Zora's Mask changes the way Zora pple talk to you. Teh Goran's mask...same. Teh Gerudo mask...you get it, right?
Guess directions its random usually it goes right, left, right, right.
The Indigo-Go's i think
Become a zora, shoot your fins at Gyorg, jump in, and electrify him.
Hold 'A' to swim and hold the right bumper to activate the magic barrier (drains energy)
you would have to have the levitation cheat enabled and also have the Zora mask on. swim as a Zora for a second underwater then activate the Levitation cheat until you get out of the water. you can now swim in the air but you can't go up without using the levitation button (most likely the L button) Enjoy!
Stand in front of the aquarium as Zora Link and pull out your guitar (ocarina). The eggs will hatch and teach you the song to give you access to the third dungeon.
Well you can either explore and do side quests but your meant to go to Great Bay and do the water temple ( after first getting the Zora mask)