You meet him in person in New Haven, he's sat beside a vehicle near the New-U station.
Helena Pierce in New Haven will give you the quest after you do a few missions for Marcus Kincaid.
follow the compass to the diamond shaped icon
The address of the New Haven is: 106 Main St., New Haven, 25265 M
The address of the New Haven Community is: 78 North St., New Haven, 05472 0085
The address of the New Haven Branch is: 648 Green Street, New Haven, 46774 1681
New Haven, CT
The phone number of the New Haven is: 304-882-3252.
they are in: crazy earls scrapyard crimson fastness kroms canyon new haven old haven sledges safehouse tetanus warrens the lost cave the salf flats trash coast to get the exact location you can go to and then click on xbox 360 (or whatever console your on) and then go to the B section and then to borderlands and scroll down until you find the section where it said Claptrap Locations. (dont click on the stategy guide or anything to find this)
The address of the New Haven Historical Society is: 58580 Chennault Dr, New Haven, MI 48048
The plot of Borderlands 2 is a continuation of the plot of Borderlands 1, you meet some old faces and learn some new things about the events of the original.