You need to complete all the quests given by Rolith, and I also recommend completing the Quests given by the Knights are the catapult, one of them will give you the weapon you will need to defeat the Hydra blocking the path to Falconreach.
After you level up at oaklore go to the bridge and destroy the sea monster you can go to falconreach
Do you mean Oaklore Keep? You can access it from the Falconreach Gryphon or you quest log. When you first start playing that's the place you begin leveling up to go to Falconreach....
To get to Oaklore from place like Falconreach, simply go to the Travel (located on the sign next to the Inn) and look around on the map for Oaklore (may need to mouse over some of the dots).
Go frm oaklore to falconreach on foot he will be there in the path in bridge area
Well first you have to Purchase an upgrade for the Character Of your use and then You have to do the Dragon Egg Saga witch you could start near oaklore and by twilly after your threw with oaklore... By that point you could pres the Travel Button From The Menu in FalconReach...
Finish the dragon egg saga when your in oaklore go to rolith and to the lvl 3 quest then go to falconreach and go to twilly then carry on
The best places are the Vuu'ren Ruins in Oaklore and Dr. Voltbolts Challenge available from Ash in Falconreach (under Quests -> Challenge)
There is no such thing as a Evil Reach in Dragonfable. Falconreach is accessible from Oaklore if you head East, making sure you have an Energy weapon for the Hydra on route.
You can get capes on quests ( quite hard). You can get a lvl 5 one in Oaklore and in Falconreach, go left twice then go down. There should be a fairy there. She sells capes, necklances and stuff like that.
you have to go to falconreach and talk to the guy far to the left ofyour screan next to the dragon and talk to him. then play the "fires over oaklore" beat all the levels and you will win a defenders metal
you get 3 every time u level up and u train them at oaklore keep with captain rolith and at falconreach the town hall
I'm assuming that you're in Oaklore and a new player with my answer for this one: You have to get to level three (although I prefer getting to about level 8 before moving onto Falconreach) and then talk to Captain Rolith. There's an option there with something about the 'Black Dragon Box'. Click that, then head off to the bridge on the left. After killing a few enemies, if you keep going left, you'll get to Falconreach. If this isn't the case, there's a way to get to Falconreach through every land--just run around or talk to people until you find it.