i think you put it on your file share at bungie.net
Halo reach gets put in your hand....
well at midnight they are realeseing it..all you have to do is put in halo odst's disc and it will give you a code or something..
No You Can't, But The Original Forge (Oracle) Is In Halo: Reach. (What Is AI?)
sorry kid its done but you should have put in your halo odst disc campain disc and it would say reach reach reach
Go to forge get da object put it on phased or fixed and then....TA DA!
The HALO REACH multiplayer beta is coming in May. When it does come out put your Halo 3 ODST game disk in and in should be on the Disk menu.
No, the story is not yet over there is more to it Halo: Reach was a story way from the beginning that was put into this game.
There are no cheat codes for Halo: Reach, nor any of the other Halo installments. However, glitches, or, bugs in the games programming, are abundant. Try Google to find Halo: Reach glitches, but remember; Nobody likes a Glitch Abuser.
you make a halo reach racetrack by putting alot of walls or something that a vehicle can fit on and put alot of twists and turns
as a matter of fact it is halo reach. Halo reach is like all of the halo games put together, but even better! =) hope this helpedEdit Erix_D: The above message is a matter of opinion so there can be no real answer to the best Halo game.
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