blah hahahaha
Final Fantasy XII happened in 2006.
Final Fantasy XII was created on 2006-03-16.
Music of Final Fantasy XII was created on 2006-05-31.
They are only connected in 2004 version of FINAL FANTASY. They don't have a connection therefore many players dislike Final Fantasy XII.
well it depends if you have never played final fantasy x then you should get it but if you have played it then get final fantasy xii ok
Final fantasy X, X-2, and XII
i don't think so but final fantasy 11 is.
Final Fantasy XII & Final Fantasy 7 & Final Fantasy XIII-2 & Final Fantasy X & Final Fantasy VIII & Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Returns.P.s: My opinion.
There isn't a XII-2. there is Final Fantasy: Revenant Wings. Which is considered not as good as XII. XIII-2 is also considered better than XIII in some regards, but it has a lower metacritic score.
At the end of the Tomb of Raithwall.
No. It's on PlayStation 2