The unbreakable armor I assume you are talking about is the Armor of Altaïr. If you want to equip the Armor of Altaïr you just go back to your Villa and on the first floor there is a room with mannequins wearing armor. Find the one wearing the Armor of Altaïr and equip it there.
The armor is unbreakable, which means it cannot be broken, requiring a black smith to repair it, but your health can still be reduced.
Yes there is.
no it has different armor and cooler weapons
Get the DaVinchi dissapearence and you should get it
yes and you can get the armor and suit
Go to your hideout and equip the desired armor
Unfortunately (because it looks awesome) no.
the final armor is altiars armor it is the lightes,most durible, and looks really cool.
find 6 keys of romulous
There is a certain mission where you put on the guards armor and walk to meet the spaniard
you can only change the color and the armor type, then you get Altair's armor, so no.