Talk to a doctor (white cross on map).
At the doctor you can:
- Heal yourself.
- Buy medicine.
You use medicine by clicking the left button on the D-pad.
either go to a medic (they are placed all around the cities) or unlock the healing vial ( you have to unlock it via medic as well )
You can get healed in Assassin's Creed 2 if you get to a doctor and pay him 50f.
Medics in Battlefield Bad Company 2 can drop med kits to heal team mates, but may also be used by enemies. Medics can revive team mates using the defibrillator, but not the enemy.
Clerics are needed greatly in later pq's just as much as assassins but clerics tend to be richer because of the 'heal' ability. Assassins are very poor because of all the stars they need to buy but much more fun. (i have one of both)
heal/no heal
1. turtwig is a grass type so therefore it is awesome! can easily deafeat water, ground and rock types. 3. i think it can learn synthesis so it can heal itself. 4.i think it can also learn aromatherapy to heal status problems for its team-mates! hope this helped!:D
if you are in a party yeah you could heal them
My heel is finally beginning to heal.
It does not heal.
No but God can heal you
Heal = heilen
The word 'heal' in not an adjective. The word 'heal' is a verb (heal, heals, healing, healed).The abstract noun form of the verb to heal is the gerund, healing.The adjective forms of the verb to heal are the present participle, healing, and the past participle, healed.