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Q: How do you insert a picture on Happy Wheels level editor?
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Related questions

How do you zoom out on happy wheels level editor?

You use + to zoom and - to zoom out.

How do you make games on Happy Wheels?

got on the start menu and click on level editor

How do you make a level on Happy Wheels?

Go to level editor and when done save level and make public

Where can you play the Happy Wheels full version?

Search Happy Wheels in google and go on the first link. Then click on the picture with "play now" on it, the full version then loads.

How do you get water on Happy Wheels level editor?

You can't get water, but you can make transparent blue blocks that look like water.

Does happy wheels cost?

You can play Happy Wheels for free. All you need to do is Google "Happy Wheels" and it is the first result.

How do you view your saved levels on Happy Wheels?

When you go to Level Editor, open the slide in the top left and then press Load Levels. Here you will be able to choose one.

Who was the person who created Happy Wheels?

Happy Wheels was created in 2010-06.

Who is nova on happy wheels?

He's a Youtube user who has over 180 episodes of Happy Wheels. He has voiced Pogostick Man in Happy Wheels and uses him in his videos!!!

What is the best happy wheels level?

Happy wheels Created 9/13/12

How do you get Happy Wheels?

you have to...

When does Happy Wheels 2 come out?

happy wheels 2 is coming out in 2013 january 1