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shoot them in the head with a sniper rifle, it usually takes about 4-6 shots

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14y ago
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14y ago

if u want to kill a juggernaut u have to aim for the head, best weapons to use against a juggernaut would be : intervention, rpg-at4, and desert eagle. + claymores and C4 will help alot

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12y ago

The fastest way to kill a juggernaut is to plant 5 C4 in the same spot and when the juggernaut steps on it, blow it up. FMG9 akimbo is easier.

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13y ago

You shoot it a bunch :)

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12y ago

rocket them.

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Q: How do you kill a juggernaut in mw2?
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How do you kill a juggernaut on MW2?

The best way is to shoot it repetitively with a semi- Automatic Sniper Rifle (Barret 50. Cal or a WA2000.)

How many bullets with a fad kill a Juggernaut in MW3?

100 bullets kill a juggernaut

How do you find kill confirmed on mw2?

Mw2 doesn't have kill confirmed.

How do you kill a juggernaut fast MW3?

you kill it with a rs-ass

Can the juggernaut die?

Yes Juggernaut can die but if you are talking about the game follow this: He is hard to kill and do it with skill. If you mean the real Juggernaut then yes he can die but still it takes a while.

What ia a juggernaut?

a juggernaut is a armored enemy who is really tough,have a machine gun, can be sprint too and takes a times to kill it but the predator missile will kill only if you lead them outside somewhere

Can juggernaut kill wolverine?

no but he can knock him out, easy! i answered this ... MCK ROCKS

Why didnt they kill vladimere Call of Duty?

Because he was using Juggernaut.

How do you make a MW2 clan?

kill a dracowenprey

How do you neutralise the enemy forces on MW2?

kill them :/

How do you kill juggnauts on MW2?

By shooting them in the head.