go on your bottom screen and go on (your farms name)farm assets and go down, and then they'll be a small Sprite sign ,press on that and youll find how many sprites you have and their names :-)
You just need 60 sprites. You also need to get the harvest goddess back too. After you have rescued 60 sprites, drop something in the pond near the harvest sprites place and she will appear. Untested theory......
There are not that many Harvest Sprites in any of the PSP Harvest Moon games. The only Harvest Moon games to have that many Harvest Sprites are for the DS.
There are 7 sprites in harvest moon: friends of mineral town.
Yes . You have to have that many to get married .
You must find their trees. Underneath the trees are flowers. Water those to meet the Harvest Sprites. Many of the trees are in areas you can't reach right away. You will need complete the Rainbow Recipes to unlock new areas and meet all the Harvest Sprites.
Exactly 101 Sprites. So are easier to get than others, and some are just plan hard.
There are twelve members of the Lumber Team.
I believe there are 13 in each group. that is including the leader
there are 200 through the whole games according to my calculations as i have completed it :D!
60. But she will not marry you unless you also complete all the other marriage requirements.
you must find them ALL, well 60 of 'em anyway