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The ranking up system consists of kills, revives, perks drank, headshots, etc. The levels are : 1 Bone, Crossbones, Skull, Skull & blue eyes, Skull & 2 Shotguns, & Skull 2 Shotguns, & blue eyes. In that order. There is also tally marks. That shows how close you are to ranking up. Lastly, it also is the rounds you make it up to. I'm max rank. Hope this helps!

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11y ago

To rank up in Black Ops 2 Zombies you have to consistently play well to a high standard (by getting kills, headshots, revives etc). Unlike Multiplayer, it is possible to get demoted in Black Ops 2 Zombies if you have a really bad game.

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Can you level up on black ops?

Yes, you can level up online for competitive online only. You do not get experience from Zombies.

Is there a way to win zombies in black ops?

No, there is no way to actually "win" at zombies. It will keep continuing to go up in level until you and your friends die from the endless waves of zombies.

How do you glich in zombies In Black ops?

go to you tube and look up gliching in black ops

What is the hardest level in black ops zombies?

Call of the dead is really hard I only got up to round 15.

How do you get godmode and unlimited ammo on black ops zombies?

look up mods for black ops on youtube good luck

How do you get to level 99in black ops zombies?

You have to be good, Practice(:. But i would have to say I've never seen anyone go up to round 99.

Where is the thundergun on black ops and how you get it?

you get it from the chest, it is a gun which can blast up to 24 zombies

Can 8 people play online on black ops zombies?

No, up to 4

Will there be a Call of Duty Black Ops zombies for iphone?

There actually is a Black Ops Zombies app coming to iPod, iPhone and iPad. when do u ask? well actually it comes out TOMORROW :D for $6.99 and all DLC is free so if your interested then pick it up tomorrow

How far does call of duty black ops zombies go up to?

Over 9000

What is the song in black ops zombies when you die?

a made up song from the producers of the game.

Does downloading mods for black ops zombies on ps3 mess up the ps3?
