

Best Answer

you nedd to put yur friend inside but you need to let the laptop let you in

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Q: How do you make 2 players in the block party game at Nickelodeon?
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Related questions

What is a block party?

A block party is a festive event held in the street of a city block, or a basketball game during which a single player blocks the shots of many other players.

How many rare coins are there in the game block party on nickalodean?

how many coins are in block party

Is wii game party 3 and Wii game block party the same?

They are similar, but not the same.

Where do you go to get Nickelodeon Party Blast for PS2 and How much does it cost?

The game was cancelled for the PS2 and is only for the PC and GameCube

How do you beat grenadier in x-men origins?

To beat the Grenadier in the X-Men Origins game players need to block his shots and then attack. Players should tap the block button which is L2 on the PS3.

Why cant you connect to a players party in Halo 3?

if it's a closed or private party, you would need the Party Leader to invite you. If its open you should be able to jump in assuming that all the players arent all in a "Party Up" game.

What is a sentence for wives?

The wives of the players prepared a party for their husbands after the last game of the season.

Where is the game show Brainsurge?

On Nickelodeon

How do you beat the cursed island?

Cursed Island was a popular game on the Nickelodeon website in 2010. Since the game is no longer hosted, Nickelodeon has removed their walkthrough for the game.

What is the game Tanks 2 all about?

The game Tank 2 is a free online offering by Nickelodeon in which the player gathers gold as a reward for eliminating enemies as quickly as possible. Reviews for this game are good and some players claim it to be highly addictive.

Worst Mario party Game?

I think Mario Party Advance is the worst, because it was not like the other Mario Party games where you can play with 4 players.

How do you use murmured in a sentence?

The party guests murmured to themselves like players in a "who-done-it" game.