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Tea 6 Bitter Fruit Contains:

6. Bitter Fruit: Contains: Brisk Berry, Citronia Seed and Tonic Flower Bitter

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Q: How do you make Tea 6 Bitter Fruit in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box?
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What tea do you brew for Joseph in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box?

bitter fruit......brisk berry citrona tonic

How do you brew Tea 6 in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box?

Tea Number 6 Bitter Fruit contains: Answer = brisk Berry Sweet - Citriona Seed -Tonic Flower Bitter

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Bitter fruit which is number 6 consists of brisk berry, Belle Tart seed and Tonic flower

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Tea for Duke. Duke, (Boy at the gate) Likes Tea No 6. 6. Bitter Fruit: Contains: Brisk Berry, Citronia Seed and Tonic Flower Bitter

What Tea blend do you give Joseph in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box?

Joseph Likes Tea No 6 Bitter Fruit Contains: Brisk Berry Sweet - Citriona Seed Sour-Tonic Flower Bitter. Brisk Berry Sweet = Revitalising - Citriona Seed =Good for the Skin - Tonic Flower Bitter = Boosts Immunity

What is the Tea blend for Duke on Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box?

Duke, (Boy at the gate) Likes Tea No 6. 6 Bitter Fruit Contains: Brisk Berry Sweet - Citriona Seed Sour-Tonic Flower Bitter. Brisk Berry Sweet = Revitalising - Citriona Seed =Good for the Skin - Tonic Flower Bitter = Boosts Immunity

What tea does Joesph like in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box?

Joseph, (Photo Shop) Likes Tea No 6. 6 Bitter Fruit Contains: Brisk Berry Sweet - Citriona Seed Sour-Tonic Flower Bitter. Brisk Berry Sweet = Revitalising Citriona Seed =Good for the Skin Tonic Flower Bitter = Boosts Immunity

What tea must you give to the boy in Professor Layton and Pandora's box to make him happy?

Tea for Duke, Duke, (Boy at the gate) Likes Tea No 6. 6. Bitter Fruit: Contains: Brisk Berry, Citronia Seed and Tonic Flower Bitter

What tea blend do you give Duke in Professor Layton and Pandora's Box?

Duke ( boy at the gate) likes Tea No 6 6. Bitter Fruit = Brisk berry, Citronia seed and Tonic flower

What is the Tea blend for Sam in Professor Layton and Pandora's Box?

Bitter Fruit = Brisk Berry Bellle Tart Seed and Tonic Flower.

What tea does Joseph drink in Professor Layton and Pandora's Box?

Joseph, (Photo Shop) Likes Tea No 6. 6 Bitter Fruit Contains: Brisk Berry Sweet - Citriona Seed Sour-Tonic Flower Bitter. Brisk Berry Sweet = Revitalising - Citriona Seed =Good for the Skin - Tonic Flower Bitter = Boosts Immunity

What tea blend does Joseph like in Professor Layton and Pandora's Box?

Joseph, (Photo Shop) Likes Tea No 6. 6 Bitter Fruit Contains: Brisk Berry Sweet - Citriona Seed Sour-Tonic Flower Bitter. Brisk Berry Sweet = Revitalising - Citriona Seed =Good for the Skin - Tonic Flower Bitter = Boosts Immunity