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* SPOILERS * Well, At First, You Need To Defeat Death Wall. ( 4th boss )

Wells Will Be At Your House ( Sharance Tree ) Once you get back. He will Give You A Hint That We Wants the Sharance Flowers To Blossom. Your Player Suggests He Should Talk To Ondorous. Go To The Univer Settlement In Sol Terrano Desert by transforming into your little critter form and take the portal in your field. Go inside Ondorous' tent and talk to him. A 'Cutscene' will appear about you showing your half human and half monster. He will be shocked, but doesnt panic or anything. He Decides A Unity Festival For The Unite Of Humans And Monsters. He Will Talk To Kuruna While You Tell Wells That Your Half Human And Half Monster. Go To Wells. You Will Take Him To Your House In Private And You Will Transform In Front Of Him. He Will Tell You That You Need To pick A Girl That You Love And Do All of Her 9 requests. Return After You Show The Girl Your Half Human And Half Monster On The 9th Request.

-example- I'm Doing Raven's 9th Request. She Shows Me That She Is Also 'Half' Monster. ( Phoenix ) Then You Show Her That Your Half too. -end of example-

After You Do So, Go Back To Wells. He Will Agree The Unity Festival In One Condition: You Need To Convince Kuruna. Go To Kuruna And Talk To Her. You Will Show Her Your A 'Half'. Afterwards, Go Back To Ondorous. He Will Tell You:

Ondorous: She still said No.

Micah: Yes.

Ondorous: If There Was Something That Could MoveKuruna..

Go To Wells. He Will Suggest You Tell Everybody You Are Half. You Will Then See Yourself At The Plaza With Everyone.You Will Then Transform In Front Of Everyone. The Town Will Agree That They Would Make A Bouquet For Kuruna.


Brooch: 1 Emerald, 3 silver, 2 platinum. Gather These And Give Them To Gaius.

Ribbon: Ask Evelyn For It.

Flowers: 4 Kinds That Shara Lists.

Gather The Brooch, Ribbon, And Flowers And Return To Shara. She Will Say That It Will Take Her About A Day To Make It. ( Make Sure You Are NOT ON A REQUEST! ) Deliver The bouquet To Kuruna. - Soon To Be updated -

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13y ago
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13y ago

Well, Lets put this as an example:

I want to marry raven. I will need to:Get the big bed from Karina or Hazel

Complete all 9 of her requests

Unite the Univer and Humans

Get the recipe for the engagement ring

Make the engagement ring

propose at her favorite dating place

If she accepts, you will see the opening 2.

the next day, wells would go rushing in. he will tell you that your finance has gone missing! talk to Carmen. ( if your finance is Carmen, talk to Carlos. ) he will tell you that you need to talk to Karina or Sofia. ether one will tell you that they think they saw her near the ruins. talk to Odorous. he will Teleport you to the door with Majorie and use magic to open it ( i highly suggest you build your level to 75 and use some electric weapons and water shoes-OR-lily pad before attempting to enter. ) Go east since the west hall is pushing you out by wind. defeat the monsters in the rooms and you will see a statue representing the first boss. it asks you for 4 pink turnips. i would recommend that you buy them from Yue. feed the statue and a path will appear. continue. go through the hallway filled with monsters. you will eventually meet the statue representing the second boss. it asks for 4 cucumbers. i would go to sol terrano and find some hidden cucumbers. feed it and move on. the western hall has opened, so go through the cave. you will see a statue representing the third boss. it asks for 6 spinach. ( grow these ) and feed it and go on. in a few rooms ahead, you will see the fourth and final statue that represents death wall. it will ask for 4 turnips. grow these, feed it, continue on. you will see this room with 4 statues and your orbs of memories will be set there automatically. this allows you to proceed. when you reach the blue floor, tap the center and select go. this floor will rumble and teleport you to aquaticus, and your finance. your finance will say bad things to you, and aquaticus will challenge you.


hp: 20000

weakness: electricity, fire.

tough spot: water

attacks: bubble, hurricane, solar beam, lazer, tail whip.

be prepared for the 5th and final boss guys!

when aquaticus moves around, this may be an opportunity to strike. but when he stops, 5 seconds will give you enough time to attack and escape from his tail whip. repeat this process until he uses a beam of light, knows as solar beam. it deals A LOT, AND I MEAN A LOT!

Soon After the solarbeam he will use lazer followed by the hurricane and bubble. the bubbles will ether poison, seal or paralyze you. the hurricane is impossible to Dodge, to i suggest you have a healing spell with you, medipoison, mediseal, and mediparalyze. At the end of the fight, Aquaticus Will get mad and Your finance will shout Stop! aquaticus will then shoot dozens of bubbles, sticks and rocks at you. you do not die at this point, but i would dodge them anyway. your finance will appear again, and Aquaticus Will Realize your love is true. he will let your finance go and will dissapear. enjoy the wedding and happily ever after!

( note!) After a month or so, talk to your wife. she will tell you she is having a child, and will ask you for its gender and you can pick



it doesn't matter.

decide and wait about another month. your baby has arrived!

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Q: How do you make an engagement ring rune factory 3?
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