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if you want to make another profile just start a new game and save it in a different save slot you can have as many as you want.

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Q: How do you make two or more profiles on Fallout 3?
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All you have to do is make a separate save file for two different profiles. There's not really any profile slots for multiple accounts.

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well, let's see. It says, fallout "3". I think its safe to assume there were at least two more before it. There are actually 3 more before it, the original fallout, fallout 2, and fallout tactics which deviated from the fallout rpg style and went with a tactical squad based combat style.

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Downloadable Content for Fallout 3 for PS3Yes, there is downloadable content for Fallout 3 for PS3. Check in the PlayStation store online.

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No. If you want more than one profile, you are going to need to spend more money.

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you must type in between for a space and for two spaces

Should you buy Fallout Three or assassins Creed Two?

That's like saying, 'Should I buy a dog or an elephant?'. Fallout 3 is an FPS/RPG whereas AC2 is a third person Action/Adventure game. Fallout definatley has more replay value. AC2 is about a 20 hour piece then a dust collecter. Fallout is much more open and AC2 is more mission based. In short, Fallout 3 is like Mass Effect or Dragon Age Origins, (2 Bioware RPG coincidently) And Asassins Creed 2 is like GTAIV. The game is basically climbing buildings and such. AC2, fun, but Fallout 3 is more bang for your buck.

Can you have two profiles in Fallout New Vegas?

Yes, because I have done it myself. First you save your first file, then you can either save another copy of it on the "new save" spot or you can save your new game file to that spot. You can also save new files at various times incase you want to redo something. As far as I know, you can make as many files as you want to.

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No, you can only have one.

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you get two profiles on and then go to campaign on coop