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to make a gold necklace you need to get a gold bar and have a necklace mould which you can get from any crafting shop within Runscape (one is located in al-kalhid if you don't know where any are) you then use the gold bar on the furnace and you will be allowed to select to make a gold necklace.

also if you wish to add gems you must also have the gem in your invintory as you use the gold bar on the furnace.

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16y ago
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15y ago

To make a necklace, you must have the following in your inventory:

-Must have the required level to make the necklace-

1x Gold Bar ( Per Necklace you want to make )

1x Necklace Mould

The Appropriate Gem for the Jewelery ( if you are making a gem one eg. sapphire necklace )

To make a necklace you need to do the following, in order:

  1. Bring Enough Gold Bars + Gems ( Optional - if you are making a gem based necklace ) and The Necklace Mould.
  2. Go to Falador, this i the best place since there is a furnace near a bank or edgville if you have dome some tasks around that area.
  3. Use a gold bar on the furnace to bring up a menu, then select the necklace you want to make.
  4. Make the necklace, then simply take to bank or do what ever ( from this point you are finished obviously ).
  5. Rinse and Repeat if you have more necklaces to make.
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15y ago

The same way you craft other Jewellery...

-Here's how-

Items needed: Cut Emerald(s), Gold Bar( 1 per Cut Gem ), Necklace mould, acess to a furnace ( Falador is best )

-What to do-

Simply use Gold Bar on the furnace with cut gem and necklace mould and then click the picture of emerald necklace to make one, and if you are making more than one then right click the picture to make more than one, then just wait for them to all finish being made, if you have more than what your inventory holds just pop bank then rinse 'n' repeat.

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13y ago

The Games necklace can be made by casting Enchant Level 1 Jewellery on a sapphire necklace, and can be used eight times before crumbling to dust. This item is popular for players to recharge Amulets of glory, as Burthorpe Games Room is close to the Heroes' Guild. The item is extremely useful, considering the relative ease of creating it. Only games necklaces with eight or one charges may be traded to other players on the Grand Exchange.

- This information was taken from RuneScape wikia

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14y ago

First, you need to mine some silver. Then, use a furnace to make it into a silver bar and then use a furnace and a holy symbol mold to make a pendant. Then, you must shear a sheep and spin the wool into string. Combine the string and the pendant and you have an unblessed holy necklace. To bless it, you must be able to get into the second floor of the monastery (the prayer guild) and there is a place to bless the necklace there. To be honest, it's better to buy one on the grand exchange, as all this can take quite a bit of time.

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16y ago

Firstly bring along a necklace mould along. Next, use a gold bar on a furnace and select the type and quantity you want to make.

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15y ago

You can't make those on runescape, you buy em either from keldagrim specialty shop, or off a player.

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14y ago

The Onyx necklace is made by using a gold bar, an onyx and a necklace mould on a furnace. It requires a crafting level of 82.

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12y ago

All you have to do is have a necklace mould in your inventory (all moulds are in your toolbelt now though) take a gold bar and use it on a furnace, click the necklace option.

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I am sorry no one shalll answer this question because it is not a question please think about this next time

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